Jesus Came to Seek and Save the Lost, What About Us?

 I have been dealing with bronchitis again this week. Bronchitis is no stranger to me. I have not slept yet because I spent most of the night at the hospital getting breathing treatment. So I want to share a post from the first week I started going again with my blog last year in March:

Jesus contrasted himself with the evil one when he said of himself, “I have come that they may have life” and of Satan, “The thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy.”

Jesus also said that he came to seek and save the lost.


SO what about us? How can we participate in seeking to bring life to others?

There are many ways to be part of showing the love of Jesus to others in hopes of bringing them life.

1- Share the comfort God has given you that Paul talks about in 2 Corinthians 1.

I admire a young woman recovering from Eating Disorders who writes a blog          Beauty Beyond Bones. She shares about how Jesus helped her recover from an Eating Disorder through her blog.

We can get involved in helping others through direct contact also. I work with refugees and immigrants in my home city. Through spending time with them and helping them, I have had the opportunity to share Jesus with them.

2- Support others in prayer and/or financially that truly work to share Christ’s love.

I am NOT talking about the TV people!!!

One ministry that I support is Love Justice International. It is a ministry that intercepts victims of human sex trafficking and also has group homes for the children and young women they rescue. This is an terrible problem in the world. I wrote a fictional story about Mary Magdalene meeting a young woman who was a victim of sex trafficking in my blog of short stories- Jessica’s Encounter at The Harbor Coffee Shop. If even one young woman reads that story and it gives her the hope and courage to look to Jesus for help to escape, all of my blogging would be SO worth it.

3- Get involved with our church. Find a ministry in your church that you feel passionate about and get involved.

4- PRAYER. Since I found out I have Celiacs Disease, which is just another autoimmune problem added to my list, I have really simplified my prayer life. I start each day asking Jesus to help me show his love to those I will see that day and to give me opportunities to share his love. That is how I start my prayer time.

These are just a few ideas that come to my mind.

There is so much suffering in the world around us, in the lives of people we may know or we may not know. There is a simple yet most profound message we can share with those who are suffering- Jesus Loves You, but that message comes packaged in the love we show in practical ways, in small things, in big things, through personal contact, through being vulnerable to share.

They are among us, they live close to us, they live far from us, they might be silent, they might be vocal, BUT, they all need JESUS.

Thank you for reading. God Bless.

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